Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Well today is Dalton's 1st birthday. What a big milestone my baby is taking!! I am sad to see him pass the baby stage but excited for him to have all the new experiances Toddlerhood has in store for him!! He is going to the Little Gym today to play with all his friends there then we are going to go with Grandma to Toys R Us to get some toys for his birthday. The party is on Sunday & I think I am ready, cake is ordered, balloons & etc are bought. Just need to get last minute food. We got a pinata of Elmo so he can have fun with that. Can't wait for him to tear into his cake!! Well off to the Little Gym with my little big man!!


  1. Happy Birthday Lil' Man!!!!!
    Granny Jo Loves You Bunches...

  2. Happy Birthday, Dalton!!!! I have been thinking about you all day and have just now gotten home to tell you. I hope it has been a wonderfully fun one and that your party on Sunday is spectacular!! Big hugs from your friends in NC!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!
    They do grow up so fast. His hair is soooo cute! I took some video of him dancing to some Veggie Tales songs, I'll send them to you as soon as I can. So cute! He has such a great personality!
    Much Love, Laura

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DALTON! I wish I was closer to home to see my youngest cousin grow up! I'll just have to celebrate a little later in a few weeks when I'm home. I hope you had a GREAT birthday and an even funner party on Sunday!
