Dalton had a great night. He slept from about 8:30pm until 6:30am. Meds must be doing their thing. He was given a cough med & steroid to try to clear this bugger of a cold up. He is going on 2 full weeks of lots of coughing. He is doing much better this morning.
Glad to get this gone before the trip. The airplane ride would not have been fun for him with a cold.
I am so glad that he is doing better. Give our lil man a kiss from me. Hey, the pic that you gave Amanda, do you think you could email me a copy of it? I am making a collage and that would be a great center pic. We tried to take a pic of it but it didn't look good and then we tried to scan it and my scanner was out. When are you going to the mountains? I don't remember. Hope that you have a wonderful time there. I t is really pretty there. Sure do hope that he is well by then. Hugs to everyone there...Have a Blessed weekend Hun.