Well what a fun summer so far. Dalton spent the night away from Mommy & Daddy for the first time on Thursday Night! I know I know everyone is saying WHAT! Just now spending the night away from home but the answer is yes. Mommy is a bit of a control FREAK!
Dalton had a great time at Grammy & Grampy's house. They went on a parade on July 4th morning in their neighborhood. There was a fire engine & police cars. They decorated his wagon & he was also in the parade. What a fun time he had. He was POOPED when he got home to us.
So he has a date to spend the night next weekend too!! YEA!
Grammy & Grampy are going out of town for a week so they need to get their Dalton fix before they go. They are going to Washington DC. Wish we were all going! Darrel has a shutdown he has to be on for two weeks. So this means it will be Mommy & Son time.
Daddy & Dalton are out shopping right now at the man places i.e. Home Depot & Academy! They love that stuff!!
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I hope to blog more often, I am not really good at it!!

4th of July Parade

Riding in the parade!